The Tech Editor Hub Community

Hangout and headspace for technical editors of yarn based patterns.

Want to be a member? 

Click HERE to join!

What is The Tech Editor Hub?

We are an inclusive, global community of crochet and knitting pattern technical editors who provide technical services to independent pattern designers, publishers, and yarn companies.

We are math, yarn, and word nerds. 

We know patterns inside and out and can spot where an end parens should be instead of a bracket and a space instead of a comma--and we get excited about it. 

We know our hand craft really well. There are days we'd rather sit and make things with yarn. And in the process, we'd probably re-write the pattern we're working on or fix the sizing or make a chart for it. As we do.

We understand the coded language of hand-making fancy string into beautiful things with hook or needles. We've read a lot of patterns, and we know how to speak k, p, sc, tbl, and ch.

We are the (often) invisible hand behind the best and most popular patterns in the fiber industry, helping designers produce the written word in a way that inspires makers, instructs with ease, and elevates our craft. We love making patterns awesome for the makers.

We believe community always beats competition. We know that we can only go so far on our own and that mingling our minds with others exponentially increases our business growth and learning. Plus, it makes for a good time to know we have working buddies who understand what makes us tick while we are doing the hard stuff.

If you are feeling lonely, overwhelmed, or just not sure how to make your tech editing business work, the Tech Editor Hub Community is here to encourage, support, and help you.

Inspired by the need for someplace online just for yarn pattern editors (where we can be our authentic nerdy selves), The Tech Editor Hub Community was built as a private and dedicated space for us to directly interact with our peers and their awesome brains in a safe, encouraging atmosphere.

It will be like a cozy, warm coffeehouse on a rainy night. 
  • It's lined with growing bookcases of resources where you can find those elusive answers to your current problem project, and other editors in the stacks to ask for help if you are still stuck. 
  • It's got couches and tables where you can grab a cup with a friend and work on your plans to take over the world with excellent crochet and knitting patterns. 
  • It's got a bulletin board for posting your info and finding awesome people to work with. 
  • Every month there are special events curated just for us, to help us advance our editing skills and our business acumen.

Want to be a member? 

Click HERE to join!

Check out our blog posts and other information on yarn pattern technical editing on our website: